Celebrating 15 years at Hanlons Consulting.
Celebrating Tim’s 15th anniversary at Hanlons this month, there is no better opportunity then to “level up”. 
We googled the best way to celebrate a 15th anniversary, with the finest suggestion being “give them the day off”, well sorry Tim, we are too busy for that! So we chose the second suggestion, a Thank You (and maybe a cake, but that is yet to be decided).
Tim has been a vital part of our business for the past 15 years, starting as an engineering surveyor and now our Operations Manager, Tim motivates and encourages our staff, he supports our clients, and has a thorough understanding of our industry.
Not only is Tim an essential part of our team, he is an upstanding member of our Tamworth community. Never doing anything by halves, Tim is the past president of Collegians Junior Rugby League Club, Tamworth District Minor League Club, and past Jnr Vice President, Group 4 Jnr Rugby League. Over the years he still found time to play for the Kootingal Rugby League Club, from which he has now retired a hero. When he is not working or doing his bit for the community, he is chasing after his three active boys.