
Level Crossings

Regional NSW Level Crossing Upgrades

We were recently engaged by both John Holland CRN and ARTC to undertake survey and engineering design for the upgrade of 12 level crossings across regional NSW.Rydal Design

For 6 weeks, our surveyors criss-crossed the countryside performing detail and property boundary surveys at each level crossing site. This information was important. The surveys allow our rail designers (who are also surveyors) to know what railway and road infrastructure is on the ground.

Most of the crossings were in a poor state. The level crossing building program is important for public safety, operational efficiency and return on investment.

Our surveyors also provided construction support. After all, the road and the rail levels have to match and with the heavier truck loads and greater vehicle traffic, its important level crossings are done right.

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Mitchel Hanlon Consulting Pty Ltd ABN 51104693736