

Mitchel Hanlon
Written by: Mitchel Hanlon

With Australians being encouraged to physically distance and many in lockdown, it’s important that we stay connected and lend our support to those who are struggling.

R U Ok has released their latest drive - RUOK:  Tradies some of the most highly impacted industries of the pandemic. 

Let's get to the facts: 

Trades workers and technicians make up more than 13 percent of the Australian workforce with men filling 84 percent (1.5M) of those 1.8 million jobs. Within this sector the Building and Construction industry has experienced significantly higher rates of suicide when compared with the general population.

Tradies face a range of challenges across their working lives – from job uncertainty to financial pressures, intense physical demands and workplace culture issues. In an industry where stigma is high, these pressures can build up and impact mental and emotional wellbeing for tradies if they don't feel they can talk to others about their struggles.

At Hanlons we are committed to supporting our regional and industry counterparts and providing help where we can in navigating the challenges our industry faces. 

We are here to have the conversation, R U OK?


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Mitchel Hanlon Consulting Pty Ltd ABN 51104693736