
Overcoming regional challenges through industry-led models.

Mitchel Hanlon
Written by: Mitchel Hanlon

Living and working in regional Australia is not without its challenges, but through industry-led models, in the primary, secondary and service space, we are seeing a shift. With planning underway for University of New England (UNE)’s Tamworth campus, Hanlons Managing Director, Mitchel Hanlon, sat down with Tim Coates and Andrew Mahony to discuss what a university would create for Tamworth on 2TMs News Podcast.

There is an increasing discovery of the strength of regional locations taking place. We are a community of resilient multitaskers with the ability to adapt and adjust to changing situations. Facing an enduring drought, followed by a looming threat of pandemic and now floods, regional Australians are more than familiar with adapting to extremes and finding a way to keep industry and business running as effectively as possible. 

Bringing education to the regions benefits all aspects of communities. It provides a way of retaining, or attracting the youth, and puts locals back into the industry roles that are available, all while creating new ones. When considering a UNE Tamworth campus, there is a wealth of potential to leverage existing infrastructure. With the Australian Equine Livestock and Events Centre (AELEC), the Tamworth Sports Dome and our aviation training facilities, the existing infrastructure we have in our region enables a number of industry education opportunities that benefit local industries. 

A number of our Hanlons staff study via distance education. Our firm’s cadetships foster learning and on the job training, that benefits not only those looking to enter the industry, but also our firm and the wider community. Our Cadet, Harry Mills, explored the Country Experience, highlighting the benefits of open spaces, friendly and supportive teams, and the importance of community in country organisations. By facilitating on campus study in regional centres like Tamworth, a wider group of professionals can access education that qualifies them for industry roles within our local communities.


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